Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day Thirteen: A Vancouverian Love Affair

Love affairs are sacred things. A state of connectedness; a temporary relationship. A forbidden secret in the depths of our hearts, which we are dying to tell, to shout out to the world. Well, this July I had a summer love affair... A love affair with Vancouver, with BC and with the unforgettable time I had there. I could shout it out forever! Sadly it was a temporary affair, but beautiful memories are left which will last a liftime.

hmmm gnocci anybody?

Can you see the Fairmont?

I think we'll take the ferry to an American Diner today...

Charlie, the one and only!

Beluga's or are they orca's????

chez Parfitt, home away from home!
Julie and Natalie
Katie and Julie reunited
Oh Pappa Leo's how I miss you.

Another beautiful walk.

Edible teaset's 2 and a half year reunion! Carla at work again feeding my unending stomach



Oh oh oh BC I love thee!


My Canadian Parents!

TWO YEAR REUNIONAGE (Me, Katie, Julie, Nicole)

Steph, Michael and Natalie


Beautiful memories, beautiful dykes

The new bridge!

I love Vancouver Traffic Jams

A Pappa Leos Dress?

Did we dominate THE GRIND???

Bestest lake in Canada!

I'm in Vancouver Trick!


Kits Time!

Possible future summer job in Canada: Picking blueberries...

Brother and sister (:

Reflections of the City...

Roosters carnage.

Team Roadtrip!

I love Nicoleeeeen!

Into my bosom...

Whistling in Whistler for a weekend...

edible tea party? favourite pasttime

South African parents...the world's best!


Julie's Special Place

Such regrets - I should have bought it!

African Dance Lessons...

Be a FUSH!

BC flag

The Grouse Grind will not get us!

See Vancouver in the background

Fireworks Festival in Vancouver - 2009: Canada, China and South Africa were constestants!


The Vancouver Aquarium yo!