Sunday, August 23, 2009

The latest chapter begins...

Well, its already been a month and a half since my plane hit the Vancouver runway at the exact planned hour and minute (goodbye African time for now!). It feels like the country of Canada has been moving way too fast right under my feet without me realising and already its less than two weeks until I begin my adventure in the east! Anyhow, I have at last decided to attempt one of these modern day diaries so bare with me as we'll have to go back in time a bit...

After having travelled for hours on end, trying to counteract my border crossing anxieties by popping pills and taking advantage of the drinks trolley (!!!), I was so relieved, excited, exhausted and in a complete daze when I was pounced on by three very special Canadians! My body was confused; I was a gross mess, completely overcome but in that very moment...just like I knew it would come...EVERYTHING had been so worth it. Fighting with courrier services; unending emails and phone calls to consulates; days and weeks waiting for international post to arrive..the list goes on and on. But, wow it couldn't have been more worth it seeing those faces again! Julie and Carla, two friends from au pairing in France and Julie's sister, Natalie were there to fetch me ad straight away they took over my bags and my eyes and swept me out the airport and in to a brand new city and what would be a brand new chapter in my life's adventure!